

money new



MARCH 2022

BNDES Contracted Projects

In 2021, BNDES financed R$24.8 billion in direct operations and R$229 million in indirect operations. The volume of operations contracted in 2020 was higher mainly due to support for companies through emergency lines.


The BNDES Lines focus on expanding production capacity, and have several lines, from the purchase of raw materials, equipment and factory construction.

FINEP Contracted Projects

FINEP contracted R$1.5 billion in direct operations in 2021. Decentralized operations through the Inovacred Program contracted R$91.6 million in 2021.

FINEP lines

FINEP lines aim to promote resources for innovation projects. FINEP has direct operations, for companies with revenues above R$ 90 million/year, indirect operations with decentralized operations and Subsidy Notices.

If you have any questions, please contact us

Open Grants


CNPq calls

  • 03/28/2022 | CNPq 27/2021 – (CNPq/MCTI/ABELHA Association – Pollinators)
  • 03/30/2022 | CNPq 26/2021 – Support for Scientific, Technological and Innovation Research: Scholarships Abroad
  • 04/28/2022 | CNPq 01/2022 ATTO (Amazon High Tower Observatory)


  • 10/03/22 | Financial support for innovation centers
  • 03/11/22 | Neglected, tropical and vector-borne diseases and other diseases with underserved populations 02/2021
  • 03/17/22 | PROINFRA 2021 Notice
  • 03/18/22 | FINEP Amazon
  • 03/28/22 | Innovative Women Award 3rd Edition
  • 03/31/22 | Research infrastructure in units linked to MCTI 
  • 04/22/22 | Prototype of a training rocket
  • 05/20/22 | Notice for Controlled Environments and Clean Rooms
  • 06/20/22 | Open prototyping labs and shared spaces – 01/2022
  • 09/03/22 | COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials

FAPESC calls

  • 03/07/22 | FAPESC 50/2021 – Professor Caspar Erich Stemmer Santa Catarina Innovation Award 
  • 03/07/22 | FAPESC 02/2022 – Process Management in Public Bodies of the Executive Branch
  • 04/14/22 | FAPESC 49/2021 – Supplement to FAPESC Public Call 09/2019 – International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation and Bilateral Agreements
  • 05/31/22 | FAPESC 01/2022 – 2nd Fapesc Journalism Award in STI – Science, Technology and Innovation


  • 02/17/22 | FAPESP 02/2022 – FAPESP/CONFAP/ERA PerMed 2022 Call
  • 03/10/22 | FAPESP 01/2022 – FAPESP-NERC Call: Global Partnerships Seedcorn Fund 
  • 03/20/22 | FAPESP 01/2022 – FAPESP-NERC Call: Global Partnerships Seedcorn Fund 
  • 03/29/22 | FAPESP 39/2021 – Call for proposals for Offshore Innovation Center
  • 03/30/22 | FAPESP 33/2021 – FAPESP/NSF – Biodiversity on a Changing Planet (BoCP) 2022
  • 03/31/22 | FAPESP 32/2021 – FAPESP – Monash University Collaboration Seed Program (FAMOUS) 2021
  • 03/31/22 | FAPESP 34/2021 – FAPESP/BIOEN and SIMA Call for Proposals – Research on the valorization of urban and agro-industrial waste for bioenergy
  • 07/04/22 | FAPESP-Czech Science Foundation (GACR) proposals
  • 05/16/22 | LinCAr Call
  • 05/16/22 | Basic Education Research Program – PROEDUCA /SEDUC
  • 05/23/22 | FAPESP 06/2022 – Research Grant – Generation Project
  • 05/31/22 | FAPESP 37/2021 – FAPESP/GACD – Common Risk Factors
  • 09/30/22 | FAPESP 29/2021 – Submissions are ongoing FAPESP/SNSF – Swiss National Science Foundation
  • 02/11/22 | FAPESP 28/2021 – FAPESP/ANR Generic Call for Proposals 2022


  • 03/06/2022 | Selection of Advisory Committee Members
  • 03/07/2022 | FAPERGS 10/2021 – Assistance for newly-hired or newly-graduated PhDs

Open Grants

CNPq calls

  • 03/28/2022 | CNPq 27/2021 – (CNPq/MCTI/ABELHA Association – Pollinators)
  • 03/30/2022 | CNPq 26/2021 – Support for Scientific, Technological and Innovation Research: Scholarships Abroad
  • 04/28/2022 | CNPq 01/2022 ATTO (Amazon High Tower Observatory)


  • 10/03/22 | Financial support for innovation centers
  • 03/11/22 | Neglected, tropical and vector-borne diseases and other diseases with underserved populations 02/2021
  • 03/17/22 | PROINFRA 2021 Notice
  • 03/18/22 | FINEP Amazon
  • 03/28/22 | Innovative Women Award 3rd Edition
  • 03/31/22 | Research infrastructure in units linked to MCTI 
  • 04/22/22 | Prototype of a training rocket
  • 05/20/22 | Notice for Controlled Environments and Clean Rooms
  • 06/20/22 | Open prototyping labs and shared spaces – 01/2022
  • 09/03/22 | COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials

FAPESC calls

  • 03/07/22 | FAPESC 50/2021 – Professor Caspar Erich Stemmer Santa Catarina Innovation Award 
  • 03/07/22 | FAPESC 02/2022 – Process Management in Public Bodies of the Executive Branch
  • 04/14/22 | FAPESC 49/2021 – Supplement to FAPESC Public Call 09/2019 – International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation and Bilateral Agreements
  • 05/31/22 | FAPESC 01/2022 – 2nd Fapesc Journalism Award in STI – Science, Technology and Innovation


  • 02/17/22 | FAPESP 02/2022 – FAPESP/CONFAP/ERA PerMed 2022 Call
  • 03/10/22 | FAPESP 01/2022 – FAPESP-NERC Call: Global Partnerships Seedcorn Fund 
  • 03/20/22 | FAPESP 01/2022 – FAPESP-NERC Call: Global Partnerships Seedcorn Fund 
  • 03/29/22 | FAPESP 39/2021 – Call for proposals for Offshore Innovation Center
  • 03/30/22 | FAPESP 33/2021 – FAPESP/NSF – Biodiversity on a Changing Planet (BoCP) 2022
  • 03/31/22 | FAPESP 32/2021 – FAPESP – Monash University Collaboration Seed Program (FAMOUS) 2021
  • 03/31/22 | FAPESP 34/2021 – FAPESP/BIOEN and SIMA Call for Proposals – Research on the valorization of urban and agro-industrial waste for bioenergy
  • 07/04/22 | FAPESP-Czech Science Foundation (GACR) proposals
  • 05/16/22 | LinCAr Call
  • 05/16/22 | Basic Education Research Program – PROEDUCA /SEDUC
  • 05/23/22 | FAPESP 06/2022 – Research Grant – Generation Project
  • 05/31/22 | FAPESP 37/2021 – FAPESP/GACD – Common Risk Factors
  • 09/30/22 | FAPESP 29/2021 – Submissions are ongoing FAPESP/SNSF – Swiss National Science Foundation
  • 02/11/22 | FAPESP 28/2021 – FAPESP/ANR Generic Call for Proposals 2022


  • 03/06/2022 | Selection of Advisory Committee Members
  • 03/07/2022 | FAPERGS 10/2021 – Assistance for newly-hired or newly-graduated PhDs

BNDES Contracted Projects

In 2021, BNDES financed R$24.8 billion in direct operations and R$229 million in indirect operations. The volume of operations contracted in 2020 was higher mainly due to support for companies through emergency lines.


The BNDES Lines focus on expanding production capacity, and have several lines, from the purchase of raw materials, equipment and factory construction.

FINEP Contracted Projects

FINEP contracted R$1.5 billion in direct operations in 2021. Decentralized operations through the Inovacred Program contracted R$91.6 million in 2021.

FINEP lines

FINEP lines aim to promote resources for innovation projects. FINEP has direct operations, for companies with revenues above R$ 90 million/year, indirect operations with decentralized operations and Subsidy Notices.

If you have any questions, please contact us


Benefits of Reimbursable Resources Offered by FINEP as Drivers of Innovative Projects

The intelligent solution for managing teams and seasonal demand

Efficient solution for managing projects with labor shortages