

JUNE 2022


The BNDES Lines focus on expanding production capacity, and have several lines, from the purchase of raw materials, equipment and factory construction.

FINEP lines

FINEP lines aim to promote resources for innovation projects. FINEP has direct operations, for companies with revenues above R$ 90 million/year, indirect operations with decentralized operations and Subsidy Notices.

Tecnoparque - Incentive to reduce ISS (Curitiba)

The Municipal Program is managed by the Curitiba Development Agency, created with the objectives of fostering the development of technology-based companies and science and technology institutions and disseminating the culture of knowledge and innovation in strategic high-technology sectors in the Municipality of Curitiba.

The program is a tax incentive, provided for in Complementary Law No. 64/2007 and Decree No. 310/2008 (amended by Complementary Law No. 87/2012).

The Municipality allows a different ISS taxation regime. The rate increases from 5% (five percent) to 2% (two percent) during the company's participation.

PII - Innovation Incentive Program (Jaraguá do Sul)

The notice that aims to comply with Law 8.202/2019 of the municipality of Jaraguá do Sul is in the study phase for publication, which will open the registration period for sending proposals.

The law aims to implement a series of tax incentives regarding IPTU, ISSQN and ITBI for companies that will invest in innovation projects in the municipality of Jaraguá do Sul.

Tax incentive - Blumenau

The municipality of Blumenau has a law that grants economic incentives and fiscal incentives to economic enterprises established or that may be established in the Municipality.

With the aim of promoting diversification, increasing economic activity and generating and/or maintaining income or direct or indirect jobs. 

The benefits can be tax, such as the exemption of up to 100% from IPTU for a maximum period of 10 years, the exemption can also be from taxes, fees and ITBI, or in the ISSQN with up to 50% for a maximum period of 5 years, there is also the ISSQN exemption modality in works.

There is also the option of economic benefits, such asrent payment for 12 months, ppayment for earthmoving or payment for infrastructure.

If you have any questions, please contact us

Open Grants




CNPq calls


FINEP calls


Petrobras Calls


FAPESC calls




FAPESB calls



JUNE 2022


The BNDES Lines focus on expanding production capacity, and have several lines, from the purchase of raw materials, equipment and factory construction.

FINEP lines

FINEP lines aim to promote resources for innovation projects. FINEP has direct operations, for companies with revenues above R$ 90 million/year, indirect operations with decentralized operations and Subsidy Notices.

Tecnoparque - Incentive to reduce ISS (Curitiba)

The Municipal Program is managed by the Curitiba Development Agency, created with the objectives of fostering the development of technology-based companies and science and technology institutions and disseminating the culture of knowledge and innovation in strategic high-technology sectors in the Municipality of Curitiba.

The program is a tax incentive, provided for in Complementary Law No. 64/2007 and Decree No. 310/2008 (amended by Complementary Law No. 87/2012).

The Municipality allows a different ISS taxation regime. The rate increases from 5% (five percent) to 2% (two percent) during the company's participation.

PII - Innovation Incentive Program (Jaraguá do Sul)

The notice that aims to comply with Law 8.202/2019 of the municipality of Jaraguá do Sul is in the study phase for publication, which will open the registration period for sending proposals.

The law aims to implement a series of tax incentives regarding IPTU, ISSQN and ITBI for companies that will invest in innovation projects in the municipality of Jaraguá do Sul.

Tax incentive - Blumenau

The municipality of Blumenau has a law that grants economic incentives and fiscal incentives to economic enterprises established or that may be established in the Municipality.

With the aim of promoting diversification, increasing economic activity and generating and/or maintaining income or direct or indirect jobs. 

The benefits can be tax, such as the exemption of up to 100% from IPTU for a maximum period of 10 years, the exemption can also be from taxes, fees and ITBI, or in the ISSQN with up to 50% for a maximum period of 5 years, there is also the ISSQN exemption modality in works.

There is also the option of economic benefits, such asrent payment for 12 months, ppayment for earthmoving or payment for infrastructure.

If you have any questions, please contact us

Open Grants




CNPq calls


FINEP calls


Petrobras Calls


FAPESC calls




FAPESB calls



JUNE 2022


The BNDES Lines focus on expanding production capacity, and have several lines, from the purchase of raw materials, equipment and factory construction.

FINEP lines

FINEP lines aim to promote resources for innovation projects. FINEP has direct operations, for companies with revenues above R$ 90 million/year, indirect operations with decentralized operations and Subsidy Notices.

Tecnoparque - Incentive to reduce ISS (Curitiba)

The Municipal Program is managed by the Curitiba Development Agency, created with the objectives of fostering the development of technology-based companies and science and technology institutions and disseminating the culture of knowledge and innovation in strategic high-technology sectors in the Municipality of Curitiba.

The program is a tax incentive, provided for in Complementary Law No. 64/2007 and Decree No. 310/2008 (amended by Complementary Law No. 87/2012).

The Municipality allows a different ISS taxation regime. The rate increases from 5% (five percent) to 2% (two percent) during the company's participation.

PII - Innovation Incentive Program (Jaraguá do Sul)

The notice that aims to comply with Law 8.202/2019 of the municipality of Jaraguá do Sul is in the study phase for publication, which will open the registration period for sending proposals.

The law aims to implement a series of tax incentives regarding IPTU, ISSQN and ITBI for companies that will invest in innovation projects in the municipality of Jaraguá do Sul.

Tax incentive - Blumenau

The municipality of Blumenau has a law that grants economic incentives and fiscal incentives to economic enterprises established or that may be established in the Municipality.

With the aim of promoting diversification, increasing economic activity and generating and/or maintaining income or direct or indirect jobs. 

The benefits can be tax, such as the exemption of up to 100% from IPTU for a maximum period of 10 years, the exemption can also be from taxes, fees and ITBI, or in the ISSQN with up to 50% for a maximum period of 5 years, there is also the ISSQN exemption modality in works.

There is also the option of economic benefits, such asrent payment for 12 months, ppayment for earthmoving or payment for infrastructure.

If you have any questions, please contact us

Open Grants


CNPq calls

Finep Calls

Petrobras Calls

FAPESC calls


FAPESB calls
