Everyone wants to innovate! In everyday corporate life, innovation has become so common that everyone can become an innovator.
Innovation does not happen on its own, for it to happen, it must be considered a company event, many managers say that it does not happen due to a lack of organizational culture, but that is just an excuse.
If you need your company to innovate, something is wrong, the absence of culture is a problem that must be overcome.
Culture of innovation

When evaluating the items that most affect an innovation project, we can divide them into: lack of time, aversion to error and an environment that prevents new ideas.
To innovate is to do something that has not been done before, which means it will be a risky path, not only surrounded by doubts, but also by risks.
It is clear then that understanding the scenario to assess customer demands, their ideas, developing projects and making prototypes are stages that the innovation process will go through.
Without time management to conduct research, it will not be possible to calculate how much time will be allocated for your innovation.
So much so that many professionals, due to a lack of management, end up giving up on great opportunities and end up wasting time on activities that do not add value.
And don't forget: No time, no insights!
How to innovate in an organizational routine?

If your company has an area of innovation, great, we've already made a start.
If it doesn't exist, we will also help you move forward with this matter.
A starting tip is: Understand how the act of innovation is viewed internally. We know that there are places with teams focused on creating innovative items or processes, or the most common profile, where all professionals must be innovative
For the group that is fully focused and totally innovative, the challenge is to have operational efficiency in managing the innovation process.
Time, a valuable resource, is already part of the package for the research team, innovation manager or even IT.
The second group faces the biggest challenge: the professional is partial in his dedication to innovating.
So it is clear that allocating people to challenging projects, and aligning the delivery of results, certainly influence the professional's innovation process.
How to make innovation a reality?
The roles are not always clear and make sense, as we presented above.
Of course, the initiative starts with you (and your desire to do things differently), but an aligned company will help in your innovation and entrepreneurship process.
Below we indicate a model that will facilitate your process, check it out:
1) Time to innovate not determined – Each professional will manage their own time according to what they consider most appropriate, even without explicit guidance from the company’s management.
2) Time to innovate stimulated – Each professional will seek to innovate within their work profile, time and location.
In this case, management will indicate the need to innovate, making it clear that there is a corporate guideline for this.
3) Allocated time – Each professional will innovate according to the agenda of events, fairs, meetings and places that debate innovation.
4) demarcated time – Each professional must set aside a period to innovate, between 10% and 15%, in company or even personal projects. Organizations such as 3M It is Google promote this model.
The challenge now will be to indicate what your company's objective is and what the best working hours will be to allow for internal innovation.
The model alone is not enough, there is a whole set of indicators and models to advance innovation, but finding the time for this is already part of the journey.
How can we help you?
We, at 4C Innovation, are a product development platform that guides companies in implementing a culture of organizational innovation, transforming ideas into products/services with market viability.
O innovation software, the CRD, emerged from MIT's digital transformation concepts, aligned with years of experience in innovation consultancies.
So much so that the end result was an innovation governance tool, used as a means to manage the transformation of ideas into products or services, such as implementing improvements or even analyzing startups.
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