Specialized Consulting in Attracting Investment for your projects

Fundraising projects from BNDES, CNPq, FAPESC and FINEP 100% customized to your company's needs

Speak to our Fundraising team

We manage the fundraising project together with your company’s team.

Benefits of raising funds for innovation projects in your company

Cash Flow and Machinery Acquisition

Financial capacity for your company to grow sustainably

in Factory

Expansion of production capacity and increase in productivity with innovation projects

Process and Product Improvement

Innovative techniques to make existing processes more efficient and effective.

Launch of innovative products

Defining a clear positioning for the product and developing an effective marketing plan

How can I access investments in innovation offered by the Federal Government?

Validation Step
Diagnosis and Debt Capacity

Understanding the company's Financial Statements, assessing its debt capacity and confirming the existence of a guarantee are the first steps towards obtaining public funding from BNDES or FINEP.

Phase 2
Project Structure
Project and Protocol Preparation

Having a clear understanding of what will be done with the resources (cash flow, investment or innovation) is the step to identify the best line that will be used and the development agency that will provide the right resource for your company.

Phase 3
Preparation of evidence and monitoring

Once the funds have been released to the company, the last step is to record all expenses and costs incurred for due proof to the selected development agency. In this way, the company will comply with all legal and contractual requirements. A good financial history enables the company to raise new funds by taking advantage of low interest rates and amortization grace periods.

We specialize in raising funds from the following institutions:

Fomento paraná
Gestão de Projetos

Good Project Management Practices: How to Ensure Efficiency and Success in Execution

Fundraising for Startups: How to Boost Your Business with FINEP

Benefits of Reimbursable Resources Offered by FINEP as Drivers of Innovative Projects