The importance of curiosity in developing new products

Why is curiosity important? As you may already know, every year we have a crisis, whether it be international, financial, real estate, political, or any other that the media tries to exploit, we have to know that the challenge of overcoming it is in our hands and there is a crucial element to get around it, it is called innovation.

Innovation is undoubtedly key to achieving great results in the face of the crisis, diversifying, transforming, building, creating new products and improving existing ones. It is, without a doubt, the path to new directions and new achievements.

But all of this essentially starts with one factor: CURIOSITY!

curiosidade desenvolvimento de novos produtos inovação
Image by on Freepik

Virtuous Circle

We need to create the good habit of bringing curiosity to all sectors of the company, regardless of its size, whether it is a small or micro-company. It is not enough to just say that the company is innovative, but you must make curiosity a habit. Ideally, curiosity should be ingrained in employees to cover all areas of the company.

But this is not always easy to do. A first step could be to identify the “key person” in each area of the company, usually someone who is curious. From there, through this person, encourage all the other people in the sector to participate in the creative processes.

However, it is not enough to identify leaders, it is crucial to invest in training people, create a good relationship between these leaders and their support, and provide financial, technological and infrastructure support.

In this way, the organization begins to understand all of the company's processes, its plans, goals and, ultimately, engage everyone in improving the processes, which will only be achieved by questioning them and constantly putting them to the test.

All, absolutely all creative processes in micro and small businesses must be encouraged.

Importance of Organizing

Every creation and innovation process has a development method, depending on the product, the target market, potential customers, the way your marketing campaign will be carried out and all other particularities.

This organization, or rather management, must be put into practice until the launch and subsequent success of a new product on the market. Proper innovation management can be done in many ways, such as post-its on the walls, an Excel panel, a specific system. The important thing is that it is done and that it is easily accessible to everyone.

Create new opportunities

An important trick in the creative process is to “keep your mind clear”, because it is in our daily lives that we are faced with countless situations and decisions in an attempt to solve problems. Finding time to observe our surroundings, meditate, even if only for a moment, and disconnect from everything else should be a priority.

Who has never had the experience of being in the hallway on their way to lunch, in the elevator, taking a shower, having coffee and coming across a great idea or solution to a specific problem?

Therefore, we need to identify and maximize these moments and try to make them constant, as these are generally the moments in which what is popularly called “snaps” for great ideas occur.

The entire creative process in micro and small businesses must be encouraged. The secret lies in short periods of idle time to enable us to create and find great solutions.

4C Innovation is a company that has been working for years with innovation consultancy and product development, guiding everything from micro and small companies to large organizations in the transformation of product ideas with sales success.

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