What is Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 is the newest concept that brings together information technology and industrial automation. In short, it brings together technological innovations focused on manufacturing and transformations in the factory environment.

Companies such as electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla are already advertising their fully automated factories with integrated systems. These systems interact with high-capacity equipment, revolutionizing manufacturing processes.

There are reports that indicate that the term was used for the first time at the Hannover Fair in 2011.

The basis of Industry 4.0 is the connection between intelligent systems and equipment, generating a complex network of autonomous operation of the entire production process.

The incorporation of digital transformation into the modern industrial activity model plays a leading role in what we call Industry 4.0, in reference to what would be the 4th industrial revolution.

A major milestone in this transformation is the integration and control of production using sensors and networked equipment and the fusion of the real world with the virtual world, creating so-called hybrid systems (physical and digital).

Through these intelligent constructions, machines, inputs and other elements that make up industrial activity, carry out direct and integrated communication, without the need for human intervention.

In model 4.0, in addition to the integration of processes, production and distribution, we also have the development of new products, projects, testing environments, and the revolution of the commercial and after-sales sector.

It is a long and complex cycle, but one that is on the streets all over the world, so much so that the renowned consulting firm, Accenture, recently announced that the implementation of technologies linked to the Internet of Things in various sectors of the economy should impact Brazilian GDP by approximately US$1.4 billion by 2030.

But how does this impact the market?

But how does this impact the market?

In this scenario, there is a high demand for a series of improvements in the business environment, infrastructure, technology dissemination programs, and regulatory improvement.

In another study, from McKinsey Consulting, data indicates that by 2025, processes related to Industry 4.0 will be able to reduce equipment maintenance costs by between 10% and 40%, reduce energy consumption by between 10% and 20%, and increase work efficiency by between 10% and 25%.

As a tip, it is worth highlighting that in this Industry 4.0 scenario, the market will see an increase in demand for companies and professionals with multidisciplinary training and thinking, integrating various forms of knowledge with high technical knowledge will grow.

The challenge of Digital Transformation

The challenge of Digital Transformation

One of the main characteristics of Industry 4.0 is the use of technology within companies. The more items are used together to facilitate the production process and make it more precise, reliable and agile, the more digital transformation will be a crucial factor for the survival of companies in the market.

Digital transformation is the insertion of technology into the production process as a way of optimizing the organization's strategic results.

One thing that is common throughout Industry 4.0 is the intense presence of the internet in various devices, connecting and integrating areas and data that were previously unobserved, which we can call the internet of things, or IoT, in English.

Digital transformation drives rapid change and allows your company to pivot ahead of a crisis or worse.

The insertion of technology into the production process has already significantly changed current production, management and customer relationship models.

A smart industry is the continuation of this process, because it combines technology with equipment and processes that were not previously connected. In this way, we can highlight that digital transformation is a fundamental expression of Industry 4.0.

The digital transformation has begun and is intense all over the world, even though in Brazil it is still occurring timidly due to the economic scenario.

The connectivity indicated by the industrial world 4.0 will generate a wave of transformation never seen before in the economy and society.

Just look around and see how vehicles, household appliances and many other items are starting to connect. This, together with new data processing models (Big Data) and fully digital services, is already causing a change in the global economy. Resulting in the end of the lines that previously separated industry and service.

Characteristics of Industry 4.0

Characteristics of Industry 4.0

We can highlight that Industry 4.0 presents us with a different, unique and innovative scenario.

Through it, we are experiencing a technological leap that leverages factory automation to its maximum potential.

We are experiencing the first manufacturing activities of autonomous robots with increasingly complex functions.

Some technologies that underpin this model: Internet of Things, Big Data, 5G Cloud computing, robotics, artificial intelligence, new materials and new additive manufacturing technologies (3D printing) and hybrid manufacturing (additive and machining functions on the same machine).

Through this path, there is a streamlining of manufacturing lines, shorter and faster deadlines for new products, greater productivity per system and professional, in addition to the global integration of lines and supplies.

In this performance vein, the production of customized goods and services on a large scale is a necessary reality that will guarantee a lead for many companies around the world.

When looking at Brazil, we have an environment that is little explored and not fully prepared for this leap, but at the same time, there is a strong organization and mobilization for the movement to occur quickly.

Incorporating innovation and technology will be a necessity for any Brazilian industry that seeks to be competitive and participate in the local or global market, and this is an opportunity for everyone.

In European countries and the US, Industry 4.0 is at the heart of industrial policy. This scenario will certainly not occur in a balanced way in Brazil, but keep yourself informed about the activities in your sector and seek to be ahead, regardless of the size of your company.

How can we help you?

Implemente uma cultura de inovação na sua empresa com o nosso Software de Gestão da Inovação. CRD

We, at 4C Innovation, are a product development platform that guides companies in implementing a culture of organizational innovation, transforming ideas into products/services with market viability.

Innovation Management software, the CRD, emerged from MIT's digital transformation concepts, aligned with years of experience in innovation consultancies.

So much so that the end result was an innovation governance tool, used as a means to manage the transformation of ideas into products or services, such as implementing improvements or even analyzing startups.

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